Thursday, 8 December 2011

A comparison of sexualization vs. desexualization.

A comparison of sexualization vs. desexualization.

Woman’s sexualization and desexualization, this is a very difficult topic because most of the publicity of de XXI century is based on the sexualitation of women, treat them as sexual toys that does not have brain, brainless; therefore, all men that sees that kind of publicity things that the only purpose of the women in this planet, is to satisfy men needs and at least me, I do not think that sort of things is fine.

Desexualization of women, well I think that this kind of think is even more common, why, well because with all the population of the planet watching the bad publicity that treats women as sexual objects, or at least “perfect” women of course that it is just in the body because in the real world, without make-up there is no woman that looks as a supermodel, and at least in my point of view that divides the women in two groups, the ones that are “beautiful” in the outside and the ones that are “not as beautiful” in the outside. Of course this kind of desexualization is not the only one. There is also the one that denies women of their freedom, such as the sexual mutilation or better known as “female circumcision”, that is being practice in Africa, some parts on Asia and also in some of the religions that the human being have.

Women’s sexualization is also a problem, it makes the women sort of a toy and that is a problem because while all the men, that are susceptible to sexual publicity, want to be with a girl like that; all the women, that are also susceptibles to that kiind of publicity, want to look as the “perfect” woman of the ads.

 I think that the “occidental civilization” is the one that treat women more like a sexual object than an actual human being; and in the oriental civilization they treat women more like an object without beauty, but something that is the same in both sides of the world is that in everywhere there are women that are forced into sex trade or prostitution.  

But if you talk about this topic the you will need to talk about women rights in each different culture, and also which important place does women have in each nation. All those topics, are topics that need to be solve, because if a woman has a problem, it is not only a women problem; it is a problem that involve each one of us, and as a society we should do something to take this kind of discrimination down. Because you know that women issues are men issues because both, women and men are human beings so we should treat us with respect, or at least we should try as a society to do it because as I mentioned lines above, we are human beings, that have differents skills and we look different but in the end we are all the same.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

How are women's issues also men's issues?

Well, I think that because we live togheter as a society, is for that tha the problems of a women or a man is the problem of the men and woman