Why LGBT activist should exist?
Well first of all, I think that every human being has rights, it doesn’t matter if you are heterosexual or an LGBT person, you are what you are and nobody should criticize for that. As you know I am from Mexico and in Mexico we may not be homo-phobic but we don’t like them, included me; however I think that there is a great difference between just don’t like them as a group of people than as a individual person; I think that there is a great difference between just don’t like them and between kill them. It was the same think with the slaves, the black people and with every person that weren’t white. All those problems were solve, not all the problem but at least we are trying to solve them; I think it is the same with the LGBT people, If I am not going to help them then I will not be an obstacle, If somebody is hitting one LGBT person, I will defend the LGBT person because he/she is a human being and then I will return to my neutral position.
I believe that one of the problems that LGBT people has, is that they call themselves “LGBT activist”, at least for me that’s a name that they shouldn’t use because if they want to live a normal life, then they should call themselves “human-rights activist”. They should fight for be recognize as “normal” people.